Drip Drown Float Shoot
On set for short film Drip.Drown.Float directed by Tanmay Chowdhary. A beautiful silent film encapsulating the physicality and mental struggles of social anxiety.
On set for short film Drip.Drown.Float directed by Tanmay Chowdhary. A beautiful silent film encapsulating the physicality and mental struggles of social anxiety.
In a classic film noir scene, on set in Los Angeles...
Photographic images of Polarity at the Melbourne Fringe Festival. Directed and choreographed by Christina Evans. Photographs by Lucia Ondrusova.
Presented by She Spat, Playfully...
Surrounded by shadows, a man, imprisoned and alone, is haunted by thoughts of what’s to come. Slowly, he begins to see that his is a torture beyond what he can imagine. Unseen, his captors leave him to pull himself apart with fear. The Pit and the Pendulum is a production which looks to bring to life Poe’s vivid examination of the blurred line between physical and psychological suffering.
Cast: Luke Fewster, Christina Evans, Dayna Boase, Rockie Stone, Paul Bourke
Director: Matt Ryan
Wednesday, March 14 - Saturday, March 17 8pm @ Revolt Theatre
Christina recently had the honour of performing at MAP Festival in Melaka, Malaysia (see www.melakafestival.com). Performing at the world heritage sites of St Paul's Hill was spectacular and surreal. Christina presented hybrid arts piece 'Elements', plus performed with Tony Yap Company in 'Eulogy for the Living' and in MAPPING. Talented artists from around the globe illuminated the sites with striking new work and collaborations. A festival that will continue each year it is one to experience. Damian of DWV Photography captured the energy of the festival with this enchanting album of photographs: http://on.fb.me/vDwzKN